Quick Sell
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Last updated
Select a Token
Use the search bar or explore the Trending, Meme Zone and Degen Zone sections on the MevX website to find a token you want to trade.
View Token Details
Once you select a token, the website will display the token's chart in the center of the screen. You'll find detailed token information on the left and the Buy and Sell Mode on the right.
Choose wallet(s) for trading
Choose the wallet(s) you want to use to sell tokens.
Buy tokens with SOL
Enter your desired token amount.
Advanced Settings
Slippage: Adjust the slippage tolerance to ensure your trade executes at the price you expect.
Anti-MEV Mode: Enable this to protect your trade from front-running bots.
Tip: Add a tip to prioritize your transaction.
Priority Fee: Add fee for fastest trading speed.
Choose to Sell
Once all the information is set up, click the Quick Sell button to initiate the transaction.
Sell Initials - This feature allows you to sell tokens equivalent to the amount of SOL you originally used to purchase them. It's perfect for those who want a straightforward way to manage their investments and secure their initial capital.