📌Quick Buy & Sell

The Quick Buy & Sell feature is the cornerstone of MevX, offering users a fast, simple, and reliable trading experience. This feature ensures high-speed transactions with a 100% success rate.

How to Use Quick Buy & Sell

  1. Select a Token: Use the search bar or explore the Trending and Top Tokens sections on the MevX website to find a token you want to trade.

  1. View Token Details: Once you select a token, the website will display the token's chart in the center of the screen. You'll find detailed token information on the left and the Buy and Sell Mode on the right.

  2. Choose to Buy or Sell: Decide whether you want to buy or sell the token and enter your desired amount.

  1. Advanced Settings:

Customize your transaction with advanced settings such as:

  • Slippage: Adjust the slippage tolerance to ensure your trade executes at the price you expect.

  • Tip: Add a tip to prioritize your transaction.

  • Anti-MEV Mode: Enable this to protect your trade from front-running bots.

  • Turbo Auto-Tip: Automatically adjusts the tip for faster execution.

  1. Execute the Trade: Once all the information is set up, click the Quick Buy or Quick Sell button to initiate the transaction.

Key Benefits

  • Speed: Execute trades quickly and efficiently.

  • Simplicity: Easy-to-use interface suitable for traders of all levels.

  • Reliability: High success rate with customizable settings to meet your trading needs.

By utilizing the Quick Buy & Sell feature, you can take full advantage of MevX's powerful trading tools to optimize your trading strategies.

Last updated